The saga of Sam Kent and the secretive federal judicial complaint system

How Far did this Federal Judge Go? (2007) First published details of allegations of sexual assault by U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent, as revealed by a female employee's secret misconduct complaint

Story that revealed Kent had asked attorneys to buy his house because of his money troubles.(2008)

Kent's 2010 effort to get his prison sentenced reconsidered as "unfair"

Kent's misbehavior occurred during an unprecedented wave of federal judicial misconduct allegation nationwide...

Two part series about the secretive federal judicial complaint system from December 2009 was based on reviews of hundreds of orders showing how chief federal circuit judges handled complaints nationwide

Story detailing how some chief circuit judges who oversee federal misconduct reviews go out of their way to dismiss or ignore complaints, while others are more active, though nearly all complaints stay secret.

Americans murdered in Mexico

Americans murdered in Mexico
US citizens continue to be killed in ongoing border violence. I've been covering this since 2009.

Was this teen offender wrongfully executed?

Was this teen offender wrongfully executed?
Debate over this 2005 Chron investigation - and other cases continues in Texas

Who killed Baby Jane Doe?

Who killed Baby Jane Doe?
A 2003 investigation from the now online-only newspaper gave this baby back her name. But her murder remains unsolved...